It is well known that the question paper for NEET is usually much easier compared to that of JEE exam. But nonetheless the number of seats available over all in our country is what makes this exam really worth competitive in nature. Only self motivated, concept focus oriented, calm minded students make the best out of this exam. It requires a 360 degree understanding of Botany and Zoology, Physics and chemistry concepts will be in depth. Students preparing for this exam usually aim as low as 500/720 marks, but under my guidance I never allow any student to be any short of 650+/720 marks. There is a stern belief in many students that this score is unachievable, but given a sufficient amount of time and the right guidance any student can achieve it. My first preference will always be given to Botany and Zoology and then to physics and chemistry as an MBBS student should be thorough in the former 2 subjects as compared to later subjects.
Two Year Core Program
There is a huge flaw in educating our medical students at most of the institutes as they do not understand the importance of child psychology. The student should first believe that he is capable of getting a merit rank, instead of putting him in comparison with JEE students. My guidance for this batch includes their botany, zoology, physics and chemistry. Even as being from a non-bio background I do understand the difficulties and discomfort of the students there by directing them to their goals. A minimum of 3 revisions are instructed to this batch thereby making them the champion doctors of the next generation.
One Year Program
Apart from imparting the knowledge of the subject, simultaneously students are given tips and tricks of identifying the crux of the questions in a short period of time. As NEET – UG is mostly about speed basis, it becomes very important for the students of this batch to be more practice oriented. Students will be constantly monitored and motivated to make sure they do not lose their will power and focus on their studies. Weekly planning and assessment is considered compulsory for this batch, and the same will be updated to the parent with full transparency.
Foundation ( 8th, 9th &10th)
Stress free, Happy go lucky education is highly important for all the school students. More interactive oriented classes, Explaining them the real time importance of their education will be the motto of the sessions. All students should have extra curricular activities apart from studies.
Note:- For exceptions I am open to anything, keeping in mind the students compatibility and enthusiasm. To know more Please feel free to contact me.